We're thrilled to announce that Jumper is now LIVE on SEI. Now you can seamlessly bridge and swap on SEI with Jumper.
SEI is a high-performance, low-fee, delegated proof-of-stake Layer 1 blockchain. It is also the first parallelized EVM. This allows Sei to get the best of Solana and Ethereum - a hyper-optimized execution layer that benefits from the tooling and mindshare around the EVM.
In order to start using apps on Sei that leverage v2 interoperability, users must link their wallet addresses. Each Sei address in Sei V2 has a corresponding EVM / 0x address, and vice versa. When you use Sei V2 for the first time, it is necessary to link these two addresses.
You can link your
Sei and EVM / 0x addresses
using the Sei app.
1. Navigate to https://app.sei.io/ using your web browser.
2. On the Dashboard, look for the "Addresses" box.
3. Complete the captcha, if required.
4. Click the "Link Addresses" button.
You can also link your SEI wallet address while bridging on
JumperBridging to SEI shouldn’t be so hard. Jumper simplifies things by bringing top SEI bridges together in one place.
1. Go to https://jumper.exchange/
2. Select your chain.
3. Review your swap.
4. Sign the transaction.
5. Done
Once you’ve bridged to SEI, you can swap your assets to WSEI, USDT, USDC, WETH and more.
Are you a SEIyan who’s tired of jumping between different platforms, trying to find the best deal?
Make Jumper your new home for everything SEI! 💜
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